ALL data collection indicated below (for Symposia, Oral Communications and Posters) does NOT make use of the standard online services offered by Azuleon and is the sole responsibility of Ravaservice. For any questions, please contact e.meneghello@ravaservice.com for assistance.
Thank you.
Tutorial for participants
Tutorial for speakers and moderators
Tutorial for poster authors and sponsors
Oral Communications
Given the modalities of the congress, it is absolutely necessary to respect the time scheduled.
From 30 august to 2 September all moderators and presenters will be contacted by mail to arrange a meeting where connection tests will be carried out and instructions on how to present will be provided.
Instructions for powerpoint file: format .pptx; proportion: 16:10; maximum size: 80 MB; it is recommended to use basic fonts. If videos are part of the presentation, they SHOULD NOT be inserted in the pptx file but must be provided as separate files and a slide containing the name of the corresponding video or the cover image of the video must be inserted in the corresponding position (slide sequence) where the video must be shown.
Video should be formatted as follows: mp4 format; 720/1080 resolution; maximum weight of 150 MB; Codec: AAC, H264
Filename should follow this form: name_surname.ppt/pptx form; for video the form name_surname_video #.mp4.